Positive | IkarisDaily #24

Apr 5, 2022

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Another really short entry today. Sorry.

Turns out, I am Covid Positive. Tested in the afternoon. Didn’t have the time to work on much today. Even now, I am going to post this and go and rest. I was really hoping to get more done today, but my body is just not with me for now.

I am on sick leave for the rest of the week so I will have a lot more time to work on Web3 stuff. Of course, I will only start once I feel better. To deny myself rest (especially in these early days) is to set myself up for a long road to recovery, which I do not want.

Once again, really sorry. I will be back tomorrow (hopefully). See you!




⚡️ just trying to learn more about NFTs, web3 & the metaverse